Condition YELLOW: Only Approved Burning Today

Klamath Falls, Ore. – Thursday, November 9th is a yellow burn day according to the Klamath County Air Quality Zone Report. That means that only certified wood stoves pellet stoves and fireplaces can be used today and other is no outdoor burning allowed inside the Air Quality Zone. Residential Outdoor burning is allowed in Chiloquin, Bly, and Northern Klamath County, as long as the smoke doesn’t impact your neighborhood.

Klamath County is in the process of updating the AQZ system in an effort to simplify it to either burning is OK, only certified devices may burn, and no burning, but those changes if made, won’t take effect until next year. So keep checking  for the day’s current conditions and whenever you see the fog building into the basin, it’s a good bet that you shouldn’t be burning outside.

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