Report Says Oregon Most Corrupt State In Union

Oregon, USA– According to, in a ranking of states, Oregon ranks at the top of the most corrupt states in the Union this year.

This ranking is based on four corruption dimensions: public corruption convictions, violations by medical providers, anti-corruption measures for public officials, and a state integrity score.

To find out where corruption is the biggest problem in America, Best Life used data from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to determine the number of public corruption convictions per 10,000 residents in all 50 states. They included data on the number of reported violations by doctors and other healthcare providers filed in the National Practitioner Data Bank, the Swamp Index, and the State Integrity Investigation conducted by The Center for Public Integrity.

They found Oregon lags in all categories leading to bad public confidence and poor public perception, but if you want to see bad public confidence and poor public perception, check out a KAGO News post online.

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